Turn the White House Purple for Premature Babies

November 23, 2012

The volunteers and supporters of the March of Dimes have launched an exciting effort to light the White House purple on January 3, 2013 as a symbol of hope for premature babies. The White House is special to the March of Dimes because our founder was President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who established our organization in 1938 during his second term in office. In the 20th century, the March of Dimes galvanized America to defeat polio. Today the March of Dimes is working to bring hope and support to the families of premature babies. We fund research, education, vaccines, and breakthroughs to give every baby a healthy start in life.

To turn the White House purple, we need to secure 25,000 signatures on an online petition to support our request. Please go to petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/light-white-house-purple-celebrate-75th-anniversary-march-dimes-and-symbol-hope-preemie-families/c578wdL3 and sign the petition -- and encourage your family and friends to sign as well!

Christine Sanchez (571-257-2307)
[email protected]