Mitochondria and metabolism

Mitochondria are parts of a cell that transform components of food into energy for cells to perform their most basic functions. Metabolism, or conversion of foods, minerals, and vitamins into useful compounds, is a main function of these organelles. Dysfunction, disease, or changes in mitochondria directly impact the cell’s ability to thrive, survive, and, in the case of pregnancy, produce a child. Research at March of Dimes helps us understand the links between mitochondrial disease and dysfunction and, among other things, miscarriage, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and neonatal congenital abnormalities.

Investigating mitochondria and metabolism


Jamie Lo, MD, MCR

Associate Professor | Oregon Health and Science University

Ethan M. Goldberg, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor | The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | Director | The University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine